Nursing problems due to:
poor latch
weak suck
disorganized tongue movement
inability to create a seal around the areola
clamping down on or chewing the nipple
inability to open the mouth wide
difficulty swallowing
frequent spitting up
Osteopathic manipulative treatment of the cranium is a gentle, effective method of treating many common problems seen in the newborn. Dr. Beals is a specialist in osteopathic manipulative medicine. This consists of using the hands to diagnose and treat problems in the body. Dr. Beals begins treatment after visual inspection and palpatory diagnosis of structural problems in the cranium and the rest of the body, and evaluating the baby’s suck, swallow, and tongue movement.
Treatment is non-invasive and often very soothing to the baby. It is based on the biomechanics of cranial motion and proper cranial nerve function. Gentle pressure is used to encourage the bones of the cranium into a more normal relationship.
Treatment varies with each individual. Often only one treatment is needed. Generally, the earlier treatment is initiated, the quicker the response.
Every effort is made to see newborns within 48 hours.
Indications for osteopathic treatment include:
induced labor
quick or prolonged labor
molded cranium
painful nursing
difficultly nursing
inability to nurse
inability to bottle-feed
inconsolable crying, colic
excessive gas
frequent spitting up
congenital torticollis
How does this treatment help my baby to nurse?
Babies are born knowing how to nurse; it’s instinctual. If they do not nurse easily and right away, there is some sort of problem.
First we figure out what is not working well. For example, there might be a problem with a cranial nerve’s ability to function. This would lead to dysfunction of the muscles governed by this nerve, such as tongue movement or swallowing. A baby may also have a problem with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that makes it difficult to open his mouth fully.
These kinds of difficulties can be caused by structural problems in the baby’s cranial bones. Improving the alignment of the bones facilitates function of the nerves and joints, allowing the baby to nurse naturally.